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I got something right, finally. And I found some ways to relax.

Remember this from last Friday morning?


I actually took my own advice and made a few shekels on my buys, including my most simple — SPY, the simplest ETF on the S&P 500.

My Friday BUY. BUY. BUY was a day early. It crashed on the Monday, but then came back.


By Friday afternoon — after the close of business — it came back and Brexit had “disappeared.”


What I didn’t predict — what’s happening to interest rates. They’re still falling. Look at the same ten days:


And I didn’t predict what happened to the pound sterling and its huge drop. It hasn’t come back.


Billionaire James Simon is a great money manager, one of the best. He makes some salient points on the upcoming election, including his belief that we should be investing in infrastructure. “We haven’t built a new airport in twenty years.” Interest rates are low. Best time to borrow to build new infrastructure.


 For the short video and some of his words, click here.

Old people “jokes” are getting stupider and stupider. But, increasingly I think they’re funny. Oih,


Wimbledon is on ESPN and The Tennis Channel.

To me what they do is inspirational. The last couple of days I’ve been playing my best tennis ever. Thank you Wimbledon and thank you Roger.

Harry Newton who’s eyeing a new company that needs a few pieces to make it a great company. But where to find them?

Meantime, perhaps there are projects other than residential and commercial real estate that can be syndicated? How about solar and wind?

My son-in-law gave me a new short book for my birthday. It’s called TRIBE — ON Homecoming and Belonging — by Sebastian Junger, who wrote The Perfect Storm.


It’s great weekend read. The book is a super relaxer, questioning many of our assumptions about wealth and happiness.

Have a great July 4.