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Our top holdings doing well, and better.

These are our top holdings: AMZN, SQ, NFLX, NVDA, AAPL, GOOGL, MSFT, CRM, and FB.

Semi-useful stuff

+ Bitcoin has fallen 19.2% in the past month. It’s now $6,800. It’s been much higher. I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole.

+ Friends are getting rich in marijuana. Sorry, richer. They’re putting 3% to 4% of their wealth into weed. They figure it’s the biotech of 2005 or the bitcoin of 2016.

+ I’m bored with cheap subscription offers. Once they have your credit card, the price goes up and up and the aggravation of closing your subscription down becomes massive.

+ My new pricey ReSound hearing aids help marginally in groups. They’re not useful for watching TV or theater. Much better: install Sennheiser earphones on your TV and borrow the hearing gadgets all theaters have now. Do it for My Fair Lady. See below.

+ Advisory fees investors have been deducting in the past will no longer be deductible. The miscellaneous itemized deduction for investment fees and expenses for the 2018 tax year was eliminated by the new tax laws. The 1% you pay is no longer deductible.

+ It is a total waste of money to send your tax returns in by certified mail. Even if you have receipts up the whazoo, they’ll still insist that you didn’t send your returns in and they need another printout. I figure I have to submit my returns twice — once when they’re due and five years later when the highly efficient IRS finds it can’t find my returns. The IRS gives irritation a whole new meaning.

The best My Fair Lady I’ve ever seen
We went last night. It’s at the Vivian Beaumont Theater in New York’s Lincoln Center. Get your tickets here. 

Best latest New Yorker cartoons

ColorLincoln briz Agriculture

The dentist

Fellow goes to dentist: “My teeth are turning yellow. What should I do?”

Dentist: “Wear a brown tie.”

Harry Newton who believes Trump is right that some of our biggest trading partners have taken advantage of us. And it’s probably time to do something about China, Germany and the EU. More about that tomorrow. Meantime, call your Congressman and say it’s shameful to separate kids from their parents. To bargain kids for a wall is even more shameful. I’m an immigrant. I’ve never taken a nickel from the Federal Government. I’ve never been arrested. I have never committed a crime. And one year, I actually sent the IRS a check for $40 million. They never said “Thank You”, either. Go figure! Immigrants are not bad. The U.S. has made a huge profit on immigrant Harry Newton. And they could figure out the profit — if they could ever find my returns!


One Comment

  1. Peter says:

    Hi Harry,

    We mailed tax return every day and never had a problem. The post office in NYC might have a problem. You can mail the tax return or any important document using UPS or FedEx. Their service is much reliable, I am sure you will happily pay more for it.

    About trade: Being an international police and “leader” is costly. Trump has the courage to fix it. It is too late to confront China because they are rich now and don’t want to be the labor slave of USA and polluting their own country. They want to outsource their slave jobs now, like USA.

    About immigration: It needs to be legal. You came in legally, so did I. There are many people applying for entry legally. Yes, it is so easy to just hand out candy and kick the problem down the road. Now Trump has to deal with the consequence.