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A little strength in the late afternoon yesterday. A good omen.

Charts below showing trading yesterday. Note the strength in the late afternoon. Perhaps yesterday really was an aberration and it really was a buying opportunity? As I suggested in yesterday’s blog. Some readers and friends picked up bargains.

YesterdaywMSFT YesteerdaywAMZN YesterdaywBA yesterdaywithNasdaq YesterdaywGogle

I’m teaching myself not to panic. The rules are:

Sell when stocks go up.

Buy when they go down, as they go on sale.

Trump’s War Wars are not messing up a fundamentally well-performing economy. They are messing up up how we think about our economy. And that’s disturbing for the stockmarket and making it far more volatile — hence yesterday’s big drop.

This morning’s perplexing tweet me wonder what the purpose of warring with, and threatening individual companies is:


In praise of as little as possible.

Friends built big homes hoping the children would visit more. They didn’t. .
Now big homes are losing their value. When they go to sell the house, few are getting anywhere near the money they poured into their white elephant.
Houses with offices no longer have curb appeal since everybody works on an iPad in a lounge chair next to the pool.
Airbnb, VRBO and others have changed vacation dynamics. We can now rent a gorgeous place for less than the taxes on the place we used to own.
Best of all, we hand the key back when we leave. We don’t worry about the leaking toilets or the clogged gutters.
Less is more is the new mantra.
My goal is to fill a cardboard box with stuff to junk or give away. Each day. Relentless. Get rid of stuff.
I have more junk than Carter had live pills. And so do you!
 Another wonderful Buddy Hackett story 

Favorite Henny Youngman joke

Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing.

She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays.

Harry Newton, whose partner has five Harleys. I like riding them, but don’t like their vibration — which, according to Harley aficionados — is part of their charm.


  1. Jerry says:

    It looks like you were wrong again, Harry Newton. Monday was NOT a buying opportunity. THe market on Wednesday was down big time. TRump is going to drive all you rich folks to the poor house to make his base (the poor and disabled) happy.

  2. Scooter says:

    I’m not in any way concerned about the trade deal Pres Trump is working on. We are in a good position to create a fair trade situation. China has to eventually give into Trump because they have the most to lose. I have sold my China holdings and waiting for them to bottom. There is no good long term reason for the U.S. to suffer tariffs on imports to other countries and nothing in the reverse. It is like handing money away. One more way Trump will revive the American economy.

  3. Angry_Dfns_Eng says:

    Harley was never the “best” motorcycle. But it started out at least good and
    it did survive in the long term. Just like Microsoft and/or
    Cadillac. I guess there must be something that supports branding when a name is out there a long time. Eventually it becomes @the@ chic thing to own. Harley and Cadillac seem to benefit from this. They all had some dark years in the middle. Harley does have a lot of vibration. It always has. It make long trips harder. But you have the coolness factor o
    f riding the Harley. The vibration comes inherently from the 2 cylander design and could be solved with some weighted
    counter shafts like found in several 4 cylinder cars. But they
    have never done this.

    • Scooter says:

      Harley could also sound normal when idling, but that “wild cam” sound is built into their ignition system on purpose. A fair amount of unburnt gasoline goes through the engine at idle.