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Your best Christmas presents ever. Trust me on this one.

Sit your parents and grandparents down for separate interviews. Record the conversations.

I picked up this idea from a BrandiMolloy on Instagram.

She wrote “One of the most prized possessions is an interview I did with my Dad a year before he passed. It was just a voice memo on my phone but during that time I learned so many things I didn’t know about him.

“More importantly, I have his voice and mannerisms and laugh and amazing story telling captured for me to listen forever and ever.

“This is such an easy thing you can do one night while you’re sitting on the couch hanging out, or after dinner around the supper table. You don’t have to make it a big thing. You will be so glad you have it.

Here are some of the questions I asked him”(and with some of Harry’s added):

+ What kind of kid were you? A typical weekday or weeknight?

+ Who was your best friend growing up? Tell me a little about him/her.

+ What did you want to be when you grew up?

+ What did you end up being?

+ What was the craziest thing you ever did?

+ How did you choose your career?

+ What are the life skills you most enjoyed learning?

+ Which ones did you get the most value out of?

+ What are the three accomplishments you’re most proud of?

+ Who was the biggest influence on your life?

+ Anything you would go back and do differently?

+ How did you know Mom (or Dad) was the one?

+ What is your favorite memory with our family?

+ What was the happiest time in your life?

+ What was your favorite place to visit and to be in?

+ Besides family, what is your most prized possession?

+ How do you want to be remembered?

+ What are you most thankful for?

Harry speaking: I wish I had asked these questions (and more) of my father and mother.

I believe you can record the conversations on your iPhone. Make sure you make a backup.

Harry Newton